C Language


Part 1 - Introduction to C. The first program.

Part 2 - Variables and their data types.

Part 3 - Constants, hash defines, size of data types

Part 4 - Numeric operations, increments and decrements

Part 5 - String operations. Manipulation of strings

Part 6 - if condition, character type checking, user input using scanf

Part 7 - Logical operators, if else if, switch case

Part 8 - For loop, while loop, do-while loop

Part 9 - Checking for punctuation, spaces, continue and break statements

Part 10 - Octal numbers, Hexa decimal numbers, mathematical functions

Part 11 - Arrays, multi dimention arrays

Part 12 - Functions and procedures

Part 13 - Local Static and global variables, scope, lifetime of variables

Part 14 - String Comparison and tokens

Part 15 - Structures, template structures, structure within structure

Part 16 - Pointers, memory allocation, free, memset

Part 17 - Open, read, write, append, close files